Our Portfolio
In the year 2018
MAMM has achieved the following and we thank God for the blessings we have in 2018, the following are the summary of what we achieved in 2018.
- We visited different areas for the aim of encouraging them and knowing their needs through person to person interaction. Some areas we visited includes Utegi and New Jerusalem, Bujora and Sumve, Nyamboge and Kalangalala, Nyakato and Lugeye, Mabatini and Igoma, Bwiru and Geita.
- We also conducted 12 general meetings in different areas for the purpose of serving widows and empower them spiritually and physically. Meetings were conducted in Utegi, Jerusalem (retreat), Bujora, Sumve, Nyamboge, Kalangalala, Nyakato, Lugeye, Mabatini, Igoma, Bwiru and Buzuruga.
- We also had a retreat (Jerusalem) with widows for the aim of Worshiping God, recreation, thanksgiving, refreshment and praying for the ministry.
- We provide the widows with material aids for the purpose of sustaining their needs basing on our capabilities.
- In general, we served 321 widows in 2018 and with God's help and community support, we are aiming to reach and serve more widows in our community.
In the year 2017
MAMM has achieved the following, and this is just the summary for what we have achieved and we plan to strengthen our services in this year 2018.
This year 2017, MAMM managed to achieve the following:
- To assemble 289 widows from different areas around the diocese of Mwanza, Mara na Ukerewe and Geita, this has been done twelve times per year aimed at sensitizing widows and empowering them holistically.
- Capacity building to widows for the purpose of getting them to know more about their rights.
- To provide the widows with material aids for the purpose of sustaining their needs basing on our capabilities.
- Visiting and encouraging widows at their households.
- Conducting joint mass with widows from different localities.
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